Sunday, October 24, 2010

Our New Addition

Our family of three grew to a family of four on September 25, 2010. "Charlie" was born at 3:16 pm and for the first 18 or so hours that was his name. I don't know why we struggled so hard with a boy name, but we sure did. Finally, his daddy and I came to an agreement and our son finally had a name: Reid William. Reid came into this world 15 days early, weighing in at 6 lbs 5 oz, 19 3/4 inches long. He was born with (and still has) a head full of dark hair.

Big Sister Addi wasn't sure what to think at first, but quickly she caught onto the idea of being a big sister and it is a role she is not taking lightly. She loves to sing him to sleep, get mommy diapers when needed, and she doesn't quite understand that Reid isn't big enough to play with her yet.

He looks like her little baby doll!

Our family of 4!

Josh and I are blessed with 2 wonderful children!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sharing my heart...

My Addilyn~
In just a few short weeks little Charlie will be arriving. As much as this excites me, it also makes me a little nervous and sad that it will no longer be just Addi and Momma. I guess you could say I've gotten spoiled by only having to devote my time and energy to you. You alone can take so much time and energy on a daily basis, so I can't imagine what it'll be with two! These past three and a half years have flown by and have been the best ever. Not every mommy gets the chance to stay home with their kiddos every day and I thank your daddy for giving me this opportunity.
I'm very excited to make our family a little bigger, but it has also worried me as to how we will adjust. You will make a GREAT big sister and I can't wait to see all the things you will show, teach and tell your little brother or sister.
Knowing that it won't be just Addi and Mommy everyday makes me tear up just thinking about it. I wonder if I'll be able to divide my attention, time and love enough to still give you everything you need. You have taught me so much about being a mommy that I can't thank you enough. And in doing so, you've reminded me often of how to be a little girl all over again. From playing dress up, you having me put just a bit of my makeup on you before we go out, parading around the house in high heels, dressing a hundred thousand barbies over and over again to butting heads over what you'll wear, how to fix your hair, to wanting poptarts for lunch. And then when I'm not looking you go and remind me of your innocence. Listening to your sweet little voice at night saying your prayers and talking to God and telling me that Jared and Will are listening too. It humbles my heart that at such a young age you understand probably better than some adults where Jared and Will are and why they are there.
I love all the little things about you that make you you. How you come into a room after hours of playing and just run up to me and give me a kiss and say I love you for no particular reason. Or how after bath/shower time you ask me to blow dry your hair and we sit there and do that one simple little thing together and yet have all kinds of giggle time. And at bedtime you have to constantly rub my fingernail till you finally drift off to sleep. And I love how you call yourself Princess Addi, I'm Queen Mommy and daddy is the King.
I look forward to how you and your daddy's relationship will grow in the coming months. I love both of you so much, I'm afraid my heart will get so full taking on another love and yet having my love for the two of you grow even more.
So here's my promise to you Addi Dale:
I promise to still make time for just you and I. To still say our prayers together at night, to have a day here and there that is strictly devoted to just Addi and Mommy. To love you unconditionally as I watch you help me take care of Charlie. And to not let my patience run thin as you try to help be a mommy and learn how to do new things on your own.
I know you are going to make such a great big sister and Charlie will be one very lucky little girl or boy. I hope that you two will become great friends throughout life and will always be there for one another. A sibling bond is something unique all in it's own (belive me, I should know!)
You will always be my Missy Roo and I love you more than you can imagine...around the world, to the stars and the sun and back again!
I love you with all my heart~

Friday, September 3, 2010

Building a House

So as most of you know, we are in the process of building a house. We sold our house on Iron Gate Place and are living in a rental on Kay Street. I know this sounds funny, but street names are a big deal to me. Iron Gate sounded so elegant and pretty and now Kay Street, really? I mean that sounds so...blah. Maybe it's from living on pretty much the same road my entire life and the name of that road being 52 letters long (a little exagerated there) and taking up 14 lines on paper work (more exagerrating) and being Rineyville Big Springs Road, but street names are important. So when Josh and I went looking for a lot to buy, the first thing I would do would be look at the road name and if I didn't like it, then I wasn't gonna be a huge fan of the lot. Funny and stupid I know, but hey, everyone has their quirks! So it's a good thing I was okay with Springhurst Court out in Four Seasons subdivision.

Anyway, we started the house building process about the first of June and I was really crossing my fingers we would be in the new house "at the dirt" as Addi calls it by the time baby #2 gets here. My fingers hurt from crossing so much, but it just ain't gonna happen-and that's ok, cause I don't wanna rush things and then not be happy. So we are shooting for Thanksgiving, but really hoping the first of November works out even better.

This is why Addi calls this house "the dirt". For so long it seemed like this was all it was. Removal of trees, staking where the house would go, digging a basement and so many other things, that while we go out to take a look at things Addi would ask, "where we going" and to which I would reply "where daddy is building us a new house" and she'd go "oh, you mean the dirt".

The basement is poured and plumbing roughed in. It kinda felt like the house was at this stage for a while, but then things started to pick up...
and then the framing began. These guys did an awesome job! They unfortuantely worked through what I think was the hottest week and a half of summer. They'd get there at about 6 am every morning and work till about 1 maybe 2 in the afternoon when the temps would be hovering in the 100's and it was just nasty hot outside. Josh would take coolers of water to them, even though they had their own, just to make sure they were staying as cool and dry as possible. My heart really went out to them as they worked so hard to put together our house in the insane heat!
Another view from the basement.

The upstairs getting framed. I guess now would be a good time to mention the layout of the house. We decided to go for a ranch style home. One thing I do not miss from our old house are the stairs!! It was constant up, down, up, down. So with this house eveything is on the main floor and we'll have a basement. It won't be completley finished when we move in, but we are hoping to finish it enough that it'll be useable and then very soon finish it out.

It's getting just a bit closer, but I was having a hard time understanding where everything would be, which rooms would be where, because I will say it now and I've said it 100 times to Josh, I AM A VISUAL PERSON!! Your pretty much have to draw things out for me to understand, and Josh and I have butted heads a few times on this, cause he can "see" it in his head and I just cannot!

What? You think it looks more like a house now? SO DO I!! At this stage, I'm getting a little more excited. I can physically walk through the house and Addi can go "up the slide" (the boards we walk on to get in the house that she loves to go up and down on) and walk straight to her room and then go to Charley's room and then run across the house to mommy and daddy's room. However, I don't know what she'll do when they drywall and she can't run through the pantry in the kitchen and end up in her room!!

Isn't it pretty?! Big shout out to the brick layers for doing an awesome job! They bricked this thing in like a week! Talk about some hard workers! The windows on the stone side and next to it, are garage windows. Then you've got the front door, followed by the dining room and then the last window is Charlie's room.

The garage side of the house. That was my one constant request. I wanted my garage on the side, I did not want it sticking out the front. This picture looks a little confusing, but take away that board in the middle of the garage door. It had a purpose for a while, but can be gone now, so it looks a little funny. The first window closest to the garage door is the laundry room and the next two windows are the master bedroom.

The back of the house. The big hole in the bottom will be a garage door, where we can keep the lawn mower, Josh's tools, where the dogs will stay and things like that. Then the bottom doors and windows are just looking into the living room part of the basement. Above that, is the living room and kitchen upstairs. And the big window in the basement will be either an office or playroom until we have to turn it into a bedroom and above that is Addi's room. She's already picked which is hers and which is the baby's. She picked the back so she could look out her window at the pool!! I've taught her right! Now we just need to convince her daddy on the whole pool thing!

And this is looking out the basement into the back yard. Can't you picture an inground pool running side to side with a diving board and slide? A nice patio around it? It would be great for cookouts and having people over wouldn't it? Addi says we gotta have one just like Aunt Tina and Uncle Tony's! haha My luck, Josh will blow up a kiddie pool and put it out there and tell me to have the time of my life! Oh well, one more thing to cross my fingers on!
So I apologize that this post is sooooo long and has so many pictures, but I kept putting off doing this post for so long, so that's what I get. I have lots more pictures to show, some really cute ones of Addi working with her daddy that I'll post soon. Until then, it's back to picking out things and hoping lots more gets done in the next 6 weeks before Charley comes!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sharing the Princess Crown

Addilyn nows shares her "Princess" title and crown with her brand new cousin. Audrey Elizabeth Hunt was born early Saturday morning and since first seeing Baby Audrey, Addi has been in awe. Little Miss Audrey made her wordly debut on August 7, 2010 weighing in at 8 lbs 7 oz. There really hasn't been (yet) any jealousy issues with Addi so I'm crossing my fingers that it continues that way and especially when "Charlie" gets here.

Audrey Elizabeth Hunt

August 7, 2010 5:31 am

8 lbs 7 oz 20.5 in

Proud Mommy and Daddy: Aimee and Brad

I think she was smiling at Aunt Emily, don't ya think??

PawPaw and Nonnie with granddaughter number 2! Poor PawPaw and Uncle Evan, will they ever get any boys to be on their side? Maybe come October!
She is sooooo proud! I think she'll make a great big sister!
Addi was too funny: "I think she wants to play barbies with me!" So Addi spread her barbies out and gave Audrey 2 and she kept 2. Audrey is thrilled, can you tell?! In a few years when they're fighting like sisters I'll have to pull this picture out and remind myself of how they are now!

The little sleeping angel...wonder if this is what her mommy and daddy think during the 2 am feedings? I'm sure they do!

Little Miss Audrey,

You have no idea how much you have blessed our lives in just the few short days that you have been with us already. And I'm sure you have no idea what kind of wonderful yet crazy family you are in. You have so many people that love you dearly and waited so long to meet you. I'm sure you will do great things in life. I hope that one of your best friends in this world will be Addilyn. I know you two will probably get in more trouble than I can imagine right now, but I hope that your bond becomes strong and lasts a lifetime. She is already so proud of you and is in total awe of you. I already love you more than you can imagine and look forward to being a part of your life. As Addi says, "I love you around the world" and that's a whole lot of lovin little girl!

Hugs and Kisses~

Aunt Emily

Monday, August 2, 2010

Oh Boy! What's in a name?

So we officially have 10 weeks to go until baby number two arrives. Someone asked me yesterday how long I had left and then said, "oh you must be so excited!" Before thinking about it, out comes "yea, I guess". Uh, what was I thinking?! Obviously, I wasn't. I know that sounded bad and then went on to explain how there's so many things I want to finish or get close to finishing. Getting our house as close to being complete as possible, enjoying the last of "Addi and mommy time" (this is super hard on me to even think about) and choosing names.
Since we decided not to find out the sex of this baby, we get the joy of picking out two names. A boy and a girl. It's harder than you think. This name will be what the child will go by for the rest of his/her life. You become what your name is. Then there's spelling to think about. Then pair it with a middle name and your last name, say it out loud over and over to see how it sounds (there are some names you just can't use with our last name-Josh and I both love the name Sawyer. Sawyer Johnson-now say it out loud and try not to laugh...see, it's just one of those names you can't use). And if you know my side of the family-it's HUGE! It seems like all the cute names are taken. Josh will mention a name and I gotta say, "well, so and so's kid has that name". Or I can like a name and as soon as I say it out loud flashbacks from elementary school come flooding to me and I cringe cause there was a kid who had that name and he was either a really big pain in the butt, smelled bad, or was just "that kid" and I think, there is no way I am naming my kid that!
So we have a girl name. If you are wondering what it is it's Raegan Hadlee (spelling has not been discussed, meaning whichever way I wanna spell it is how it's gonna be! lol) Josh really liked Hadlee (I think he prefers Hadley, but oh well) and my fear is that is a name that is going to become super popular just like Addi (not Addilyn mind you, I very rarely hear that name and that's ok). I like the spelling of Raegan that way if we wanna shorten it and use Rae as a nickname we can.
Now a boy name. Oh geez! That's where we can't agree. I thought we had a name picked out. I LOVE the name Graham and thought Josh liked it well enough too. Good thing I finally just straight out asked him, because I ended up disappointed cause he's so not a fan he says. Well, boo! Josh's first name is William and it's a family name on his side as well as mine so he says that's the middle name. (If he's picking the middle name, can't I pick the first name and just use Graham??) So anyway, a few weeks ago I finally went thru a baby name book and started with the B's. I don't think I want another A name. I'd find a name, say it out loud, get Josh's reaction and started making a list. Believe it or not, we came up with 10 names! Here you go:
Davis, Deacon, Garrett, Gavin, Graham (hint hint), Grant, Preston, Quintin, Reid and Tanner.
Since then, I've weeded some of them out (Preston, Quintin and Tanner are no longer faves). We are both fans of Deacon but you should see some of the looks we get when we mention it! Say it out loud-Deacon William Johnson (you may have to say it over and over to get used to it). Another fave is Reid. But I think it sounds a little short when paired with William. Try it- Reid William Johnson. Now try this one- Graham William Johnson. What?! You like it too?? Why thank you, I'm really trying to convince "it's daddy".
But who knows, we may not have to worry about this and our problems may be solved because for all we know, baby number two is a girl and we have no problems there with a name.
Of course, to solve all our problems we could just call it Charlie (or Charley for a girl) because right now that IS what his/her name is. Aunt Ericka started this and Addilyn quickly caught on and that's who is in mommy's belly right now-Charlie. She'll ask, "mommy, is Charlie sleeping?" or "I think Charley wants to come out now" (um, no I don't think Charley does!) and my favorite "Charlie kicked me!!" as she lays her hands on my belly. Too cute!
So what do you think? Picking a name is harder than you think and whether Josh wants to believe it or not, we...are...running...out...of...time!!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

4th of July, Uncle Jacob's visit and a Baby Shower

Whew! Things have been busy lately. Let's see...2 weeks ago we went to the airport to pick up Uncle Jake who came in from China for his first of two visits for the year (he should be coming home in Decemeber for good...fingers crossed!) and Addi was beyond excited to see him. His flight didn't come in until 10:30 Friday night and by 9am Friday morning she was dressed in her pretty dress, heels and makeup ready to see him! I wish I wouldn've gotten a picture of her attacking him at the gate cause boy was she excited! We celebrated the 4th by watching fireworks (or shooting stars as Addi called them) at Severns Valley with Josh's family.
Addi was excited by each and everyone and Josh was lucky enough to catch this great picture of her!
Every morning when Addi wakes up her first question is "when can we go see Uncle Jake?" The child has been his shadow. From sitting in his lap playing MarioKart, jumping from her seat to his while we are out to eat to watching him play baseball in the backyard, Addi wants to be right where her uncle is and attached to his hip. For more than one reason I'm dreading when we have to say our goodbyes on Sunday night. Each visit that he comes it gets a little tougher on Addilyn and Jennings when the time comes to say "bye, see ya in 6 months". Each visit they are a little older, understand what it means when we say "Uncle Jake's coming home", they get a little more attached to him and it's twice as tough on the mommies and daddies to say their byes and then explain why Uncle Jake left and when he'll be home again. If I could tie him down or lock him in his room so he couldn't leave, believe me I'd do it if my mother in law didn't beat me to it first! Hopefully this goodbye will be the last cause we're all hoping he comes home for good in December!

In just a little over 2 weeks we will be welcoming the newest addition to the Newton family. Aimee and Brad are due with their little bundle of pink joy on August 4 and everyone is beyond excited. On Sunday we had a baby shower for her (Aimee or Audrey-you pick) and boy or girl! she got some super cute things!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Taking Over Holiday World

Last Sunday Addi and I headed up to Santa Claus, Indiana to meet up with her PawPaw and Nonnie and aunts and uncles. Look out Holiday World-here we come! We camped at Lake Rudolph Campground from Sunday till Tuesday and I didn't think I was gonna get Addi to come home. She had a blast "driving" the golf cart with her aunts from our RV to the shower house or just to ride around and wave at people. She loved the pool cause she could touch the bottom, stayed up late making s'mares as she calls them and had to fall asleep both nights in the top bunk cause "that's my room" she told everyone. Monday morning we slept in just a bit cause she had had a late night the night before, she helped Nonnie make a big breakfast and then it was off to the water park! The little girl just couldn't contain her excitement! (and neither could her aunts and uncle!) We get into the park and immediately take our first picture...

While everyone else went to seek out their roller coaster adventures Addi and I headed to the kid amusement park. First up was the merry go round and then the helicopters and airplanes. There was so much to do she couldn't decide what to do first!

All Addilyn knew was that it was H-O-T and she was ready to hit the water park. Our next adventure--Splashin' Safari! From the wave pool to the little tikes fun zone to the "big rides" Addi kept herself entertained all day! At last, she finally crashed for a while but made mommy sweat like crazy! Nothing like falling asleep in my arms in the blazing 100 degree sun and no one from our family is around! I tried keeping her shaded by draping a beach towel over my shoulder to keep the sun out of her face yet not smother her and by the time I stood up to make my way to the free drinks sweat was dripping down me so bad I thought I was peeing myself! I was soaked with sweat! Finally I spot my family and get some relief! It was hot and miserable at the time but I'm sure something I will always remember and laugh at when I tell her that story in the years to come when we go back! Addi loved sitting in the wave pool and having the waves come up and "attack" her...I think this constant motion is what finally made her so sleepy.

If you ask Addi what her favorite part of the whole trip was she would tell you in a heartbeat it was the big water ride in a circle. And that would be Raging River Rapids. She rode it with Nonnie, PawPaw, Aunt Angela, Aunt Ericka, Uncle Evan and Aunt Amanda. She got absolutley soaked, laughed so hard and rode it 3 times without ever getting off. (at least this what everyone else said since I couldn't ride any of the rides with her because of the pregnancy) Here's one of my favorite pics of her that I got...

She also rode Frighful Falls with some of the girls and she surprised me. It's the log ride where you go straight down and get splashed at the end by all the water. She did that one too-twice! But it went so fast down the drop I couldn't get a good picture.

All in all, it was a great trip and Addi keeps asking when we're going back to Holiday World. Maybe next time we can talk Daddy into going with us! If you've never been I highly recommend it. I'm not sure how many years we've been going now, but I remember it when it was just Santa Claus Land. It's a fairly short drive, very reasonable in price, lots to do with smaller ones, free sunscreen and free drinks all day long! And we always end our trip there on our last day by getting ice cream! Can't wait for next year!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Wow, so much has been going on lately! Addi finished up Mother's Day Out last week and I know she's going to miss it! I've already got her signed up for Preschool for the fall--where does time go? Should my little girl already be old enough for such things?! And last Friday she decided she wanted to get her ears pierced! We weren't quite sure how that was going to go, but we took her to Claire's in the mall and boy did she surprise us! She sat perfectly still and let them do her ears one at a time. She is now the proud owner of a pair of pink daisy earrings and she couldn't be happier!

The weekend before last, Josh and I went to Churchill Downs to spend a Sunday afternoon. It's something we do every year with a whole group of people. We had a really good day placing our bets (I think we left most of it there!), enjoying time with friends and soaking up the HOT sun! We're looking forward to next year already!

To back track just a bit let's go back to Mothers Day weekend! Whew-what a busy day! Addi surprised me that morning while getting ready for church with a cute card signed by not only her but from "baby" too! And the Mothers Day balloon I got, I think she had more fun with it! She kept it in her room saying it was hers until it started to droop then she wanted nothing to do with it! We then went to church as a family, drove to Bowling Green to have lunch and spend the afternoon with Josh's mom and grandmother and then we came back home and had a nice dinner of steaks on the grill with my mom and Aunt Saundra! (well, there were several more there, but those were the moms!)

Here's a picture of mommy and Addi on my special day!

Saturday night Josh and I headed out to Ft. Knox to enjoy Toby Keith's concert! Thanks to a great friend we got awesome tickets and had a great time! It was hot that's for sure, but thanks to the free water and other beverages we didn't think about the heat too much and enjoyed ourselves! I don't know if it's the fact that I'm getting older or because I had a yardsale that weekend but by the time the main man came on stage at-get this-9:30!! I was pooped and ready for bed! (don't laugh!) But I kept my yawns to myself and enjoyed the night! I enjoyed every song he sang and a special one touched my heart that night. When he first came out with the song "Cryin for Me" it immediatley made me think of Jared who is now our special guardian angel. However, Saturday night, the song brought many tears to my eyes as I pictured Jared and Will sitting on a cloud up above with their arms around one another looking down on their loved ones below. It seemed to me that it was their message to us....both are truly missed every day and I know they are both looking down on us all and they're saving some spots while playing golf and soccer I'm sure!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Getting Started

Thanks for checking in on us! We are hoping that this blog is a way for family and friends to keep up with what's going on with us while our lives pretty much go on wild ride these next several months. We've got till the first of June to move out of our house and into a rental. Let's just say I am not looking forward to that move. And then while we are living in someone elses house, we will be building a new home for us. I am crossing my fingers and holding my my breath (but not too hard) that we are in our new home by the time this new baby arrives. But I really don't think that's gonna happen! This whole blog thing is new to me so bear with me and maybe I can get it figured out, while packing my house up at the same time! Again, thanks for checking in on us and we'll talk again soon!