Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sharing the Princess Crown

Addilyn nows shares her "Princess" title and crown with her brand new cousin. Audrey Elizabeth Hunt was born early Saturday morning and since first seeing Baby Audrey, Addi has been in awe. Little Miss Audrey made her wordly debut on August 7, 2010 weighing in at 8 lbs 7 oz. There really hasn't been (yet) any jealousy issues with Addi so I'm crossing my fingers that it continues that way and especially when "Charlie" gets here.

Audrey Elizabeth Hunt

August 7, 2010 5:31 am

8 lbs 7 oz 20.5 in

Proud Mommy and Daddy: Aimee and Brad

I think she was smiling at Aunt Emily, don't ya think??

PawPaw and Nonnie with granddaughter number 2! Poor PawPaw and Uncle Evan, will they ever get any boys to be on their side? Maybe come October!
She is sooooo proud! I think she'll make a great big sister!
Addi was too funny: "I think she wants to play barbies with me!" So Addi spread her barbies out and gave Audrey 2 and she kept 2. Audrey is thrilled, can you tell?! In a few years when they're fighting like sisters I'll have to pull this picture out and remind myself of how they are now!

The little sleeping angel...wonder if this is what her mommy and daddy think during the 2 am feedings? I'm sure they do!

Little Miss Audrey,

You have no idea how much you have blessed our lives in just the few short days that you have been with us already. And I'm sure you have no idea what kind of wonderful yet crazy family you are in. You have so many people that love you dearly and waited so long to meet you. I'm sure you will do great things in life. I hope that one of your best friends in this world will be Addilyn. I know you two will probably get in more trouble than I can imagine right now, but I hope that your bond becomes strong and lasts a lifetime. She is already so proud of you and is in total awe of you. I already love you more than you can imagine and look forward to being a part of your life. As Addi says, "I love you around the world" and that's a whole lot of lovin little girl!

Hugs and Kisses~

Aunt Emily

Monday, August 2, 2010

Oh Boy! What's in a name?

So we officially have 10 weeks to go until baby number two arrives. Someone asked me yesterday how long I had left and then said, "oh you must be so excited!" Before thinking about it, out comes "yea, I guess". Uh, what was I thinking?! Obviously, I wasn't. I know that sounded bad and then went on to explain how there's so many things I want to finish or get close to finishing. Getting our house as close to being complete as possible, enjoying the last of "Addi and mommy time" (this is super hard on me to even think about) and choosing names.
Since we decided not to find out the sex of this baby, we get the joy of picking out two names. A boy and a girl. It's harder than you think. This name will be what the child will go by for the rest of his/her life. You become what your name is. Then there's spelling to think about. Then pair it with a middle name and your last name, say it out loud over and over to see how it sounds (there are some names you just can't use with our last name-Josh and I both love the name Sawyer. Sawyer Johnson-now say it out loud and try not to laugh...see, it's just one of those names you can't use). And if you know my side of the family-it's HUGE! It seems like all the cute names are taken. Josh will mention a name and I gotta say, "well, so and so's kid has that name". Or I can like a name and as soon as I say it out loud flashbacks from elementary school come flooding to me and I cringe cause there was a kid who had that name and he was either a really big pain in the butt, smelled bad, or was just "that kid" and I think, there is no way I am naming my kid that!
So we have a girl name. If you are wondering what it is it's Raegan Hadlee (spelling has not been discussed, meaning whichever way I wanna spell it is how it's gonna be! lol) Josh really liked Hadlee (I think he prefers Hadley, but oh well) and my fear is that is a name that is going to become super popular just like Addi (not Addilyn mind you, I very rarely hear that name and that's ok). I like the spelling of Raegan that way if we wanna shorten it and use Rae as a nickname we can.
Now a boy name. Oh geez! That's where we can't agree. I thought we had a name picked out. I LOVE the name Graham and thought Josh liked it well enough too. Good thing I finally just straight out asked him, because I ended up disappointed cause he's so not a fan he says. Well, boo! Josh's first name is William and it's a family name on his side as well as mine so he says that's the middle name. (If he's picking the middle name, can't I pick the first name and just use Graham??) So anyway, a few weeks ago I finally went thru a baby name book and started with the B's. I don't think I want another A name. I'd find a name, say it out loud, get Josh's reaction and started making a list. Believe it or not, we came up with 10 names! Here you go:
Davis, Deacon, Garrett, Gavin, Graham (hint hint), Grant, Preston, Quintin, Reid and Tanner.
Since then, I've weeded some of them out (Preston, Quintin and Tanner are no longer faves). We are both fans of Deacon but you should see some of the looks we get when we mention it! Say it out loud-Deacon William Johnson (you may have to say it over and over to get used to it). Another fave is Reid. But I think it sounds a little short when paired with William. Try it- Reid William Johnson. Now try this one- Graham William Johnson. What?! You like it too?? Why thank you, I'm really trying to convince "it's daddy".
But who knows, we may not have to worry about this and our problems may be solved because for all we know, baby number two is a girl and we have no problems there with a name.
Of course, to solve all our problems we could just call it Charlie (or Charley for a girl) because right now that IS what his/her name is. Aunt Ericka started this and Addilyn quickly caught on and that's who is in mommy's belly right now-Charlie. She'll ask, "mommy, is Charlie sleeping?" or "I think Charley wants to come out now" (um, no I don't think Charley does!) and my favorite "Charlie kicked me!!" as she lays her hands on my belly. Too cute!
So what do you think? Picking a name is harder than you think and whether Josh wants to believe it or not, we...are...running...out...of...time!!!!