The ABC's of Mommyhood is just that... Attitude Blessings and Chaos. Life with kids is fun, entertaining, crazy, hectic, scary, sweet and rewarding. I don't think there is one mommy out there that knows 100% what she is doing and is the greatest mom in the world. Yet, that is what we all strive to be. I love my family, I love our life and you never know what each day will throw at ya. So hang on tight, keep your eyes open and enjoy the ride!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Sharing my heart...
In just a few short weeks little Charlie will be arriving. As much as this excites me, it also makes me a little nervous and sad that it will no longer be just Addi and Momma. I guess you could say I've gotten spoiled by only having to devote my time and energy to you. You alone can take so much time and energy on a daily basis, so I can't imagine what it'll be with two! These past three and a half years have flown by and have been the best ever. Not every mommy gets the chance to stay home with their kiddos every day and I thank your daddy for giving me this opportunity.
I'm very excited to make our family a little bigger, but it has also worried me as to how we will adjust. You will make a GREAT big sister and I can't wait to see all the things you will show, teach and tell your little brother or sister.
Knowing that it won't be just Addi and Mommy everyday makes me tear up just thinking about it. I wonder if I'll be able to divide my attention, time and love enough to still give you everything you need. You have taught me so much about being a mommy that I can't thank you enough. And in doing so, you've reminded me often of how to be a little girl all over again. From playing dress up, you having me put just a bit of my makeup on you before we go out, parading around the house in high heels, dressing a hundred thousand barbies over and over again to butting heads over what you'll wear, how to fix your hair, to wanting poptarts for lunch. And then when I'm not looking you go and remind me of your innocence. Listening to your sweet little voice at night saying your prayers and talking to God and telling me that Jared and Will are listening too. It humbles my heart that at such a young age you understand probably better than some adults where Jared and Will are and why they are there.
I love all the little things about you that make you you. How you come into a room after hours of playing and just run up to me and give me a kiss and say I love you for no particular reason. Or how after bath/shower time you ask me to blow dry your hair and we sit there and do that one simple little thing together and yet have all kinds of giggle time. And at bedtime you have to constantly rub my fingernail till you finally drift off to sleep. And I love how you call yourself Princess Addi, I'm Queen Mommy and daddy is the King.
I look forward to how you and your daddy's relationship will grow in the coming months. I love both of you so much, I'm afraid my heart will get so full taking on another love and yet having my love for the two of you grow even more.
So here's my promise to you Addi Dale:
I promise to still make time for just you and I. To still say our prayers together at night, to have a day here and there that is strictly devoted to just Addi and Mommy. To love you unconditionally as I watch you help me take care of Charlie. And to not let my patience run thin as you try to help be a mommy and learn how to do new things on your own.
I know you are going to make such a great big sister and Charlie will be one very lucky little girl or boy. I hope that you two will become great friends throughout life and will always be there for one another. A sibling bond is something unique all in it's own (belive me, I should know!)
You will always be my Missy Roo and I love you more than you can imagine...around the world, to the stars and the sun and back again!
I love you with all my heart~
Friday, September 3, 2010
Building a House
This is why Addi calls this house "the dirt". For so long it seemed like this was all it was. Removal of trees, staking where the house would go, digging a basement and so many other things, that while we go out to take a look at things Addi would ask, "where we going" and to which I would reply "where daddy is building us a new house" and she'd go "oh, you mean the dirt".
The upstairs getting framed. I guess now would be a good time to mention the layout of the house. We decided to go for a ranch style home. One thing I do not miss from our old house are the stairs!! It was constant up, down, up, down. So with this house eveything is on the main floor and we'll have a basement. It won't be completley finished when we move in, but we are hoping to finish it enough that it'll be useable and then very soon finish it out.
What? You think it looks more like a house now? SO DO I!! At this stage, I'm getting a little more excited. I can physically walk through the house and Addi can go "up the slide" (the boards we walk on to get in the house that she loves to go up and down on) and walk straight to her room and then go to Charley's room and then run across the house to mommy and daddy's room. However, I don't know what she'll do when they drywall and she can't run through the pantry in the kitchen and end up in her room!!
The back of the house. The big hole in the bottom will be a garage door, where we can keep the lawn mower, Josh's tools, where the dogs will stay and things like that. Then the bottom doors and windows are just looking into the living room part of the basement. Above that, is the living room and kitchen upstairs. And the big window in the basement will be either an office or playroom until we have to turn it into a bedroom and above that is Addi's room. She's already picked which is hers and which is the baby's. She picked the back so she could look out her window at the pool!! I've taught her right! Now we just need to convince her daddy on the whole pool thing!