Monday, November 7, 2011

FALLing in love with family time!

I'm a little behind, but it's finally my favorite time of the year-FALL!  I love the changing of the leaves, pumpkins, extra hour of sleep (kids willing!), birthdays, long sleeves and hoodies and of course it leads up to my favorite holiday-Thanksgiving.

 My birthday was back in October and when Josh asked me what I wanted to do, I told him I wanted to take the kids to a pumpkin patch.  So, that's what we did.

Family picture at Hinton's

Addi saying HI

Addi and Daddy went through the corn maze.  Reid found himself
a tractor and kept himself busy.

Looking for the perfect pumpkin!

Reid could've cared less for the pumpkins.  He just wanted to get
down and get dirty!

Nope, I think these pumpkins are too big!

I think they found the perfect ones!

Reid seems happy and intrigued with his choice!

Addi on the hayride on the way back.  She had so much fun.

Reid and Addi playing in the tunnels.  He thought he was
so big keeping up with his big sister.  He looks so big
in this picture!

Isn't he too cute?!

I LOVE this picture.  I think it captures both of their personalities
so well.  You've got Addi who wants to be right in the middle of things
and is such a diva.  Then you've got Reid who is just so laid back, takes everything
easy.  I love my kiddos!

A few weeks after this trip, Ben and Kelli invited us over for pumpkin carving.  We ate chili, the kids carved pumpkins and bobbed for apples and just had a great time playing.  Thanks for inviting us!

Addilyn, Claire, Chase, Carson, Caroline and Annie's pumpkins. 
They look so good!

Reid and Addi saying Happy Halloween!

My cowboy and cowgirl! 
Aren't they cute?!  I kow I know, I'm biased, but I can't help it.
Addi wanted to be Taylor Swift and we decided Reid was Lane Frost because of
his two handed wave! 

They had a blast trick or treating and we've got more candy than we know what to do with. Addi has already planned out the next 3 years worth of costumes! 

Now it's time to enjoy some more family time and soon it'll be Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping!  I can't wait!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Reid Turns 1

 Last Sunday we celebrated Reid's first birthday.  This past year has flown by so quickly.  He is the happiest little guy ever, most always in a good mood and has brought so much happiness to Josh, Addi and I.  As Addi says, "he's the best little brother ever".
Our birthday boy!!

The weather couldn't have been better for our outside baseball blowout!  We had hotdogs, nachos, soft pretzels and sent our fans home with none other than Cracker Jacks and Sunflower Seeds.  Oh and of course baseball cupcakes!

The cupcakes, smash cake and favors.

What's baseball without some seeds??

Get your Cracker Jacks!!

Everywhere you looked there seemed to be baseball-from our cupcakes, to our pennant Happy Birthday sign and Scoreboard through the months.
The scoreboard that hung in Johnson Stadium.  Pictures of Reid from birth to now.  Month 1 to Month 12.

These baseball vases will now go in Reid's room!

All the goodies!  Reid sure racked up on everything.  And it'll probably be the only time I say this, but he needed everything he got!

Reid loved playing in his cake, but eating it-not so much!

Daddy and the birthday boy!

Mommy's baby isn't a baby anymore!

Big Sis got in the spirit with her baseball shirt!

As I said, it's been the fastest but yet such a wonderful year. 

You will always be my baby boy and I love you oh so much.  Your cute smile that shows off all your teeth that make you look like such a big boy melts my heart everytime.  Your giggle is infectious and you make my heart smile.  I can't wait to see how you grow over the next year, however I'm not rushing it!  I can't wait to see how you and Addi grow to love eachother more and to fight more I'm sure.  She loves you very much.  And I know Daddy can't wait till you can join him in the garage and outside doing "manly" things.  You have blessed our lives in more ways than you will ever know.  Happy 1st Birthday Bud!!
I love you~

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Jared!

For the past 3 years I've always wondered what birthdays are like in heaven.  You see, we have a very special angel looking down on us and each August we celebrate his birthday in a big way.  Jared was an avid golfer and having a golf "get together" just seems right every year.  And every year, we have a great turnout, wonderful weather and always a great time!  And every year, Addilyn knows we have to buy flowers and take them out to Jared.  She normally sings Happy Birthday to him, but this year some of his buddies were visiting him the same time we were and she got too shy.  Here's a pic of some of Jared's buddies visiting with Jared and having a beer too!
I want to take the time right now to thank the guys who come every year to participate in this event.  You all were true friends to Jared, and I think I can speak for the whole family when I say you guys are awesome for still coming out and keeping his memory alive.  Thank you!!

I'll share some pictures now from the day...

Addi posing for a pic at the driving range with her golf clubs.  When someone commented on "how good she was" Addi replied with "I play putt putt!"  What a diva!
Evan putting

Uncle Russ going for the drive

Gotta love little Aniston's dress!!  Her Uncle Jared would be sooo proud!

Griffin taking part in the day!

Saundra's tean.  Thank guys for coming in and for all the fun! 

Ethan, Josh, Brad and Dusty.  I think (actually I know) they had a lot of fun!!

Austin, Dee, Zach and Trampus.  And I know they had a lot of fun and laughs as well!

Saundra and Brady.  Must've been a good putt!

Father and Son team-Greg and Keiland

Such a pretty view!

GO TOPS!!!  Jared would be proud!

Jared's memorial garden at Russ and Saundra's hous.  And the concrete with Jared's initials in nothing else but golf balls!
The next two picture are very sweet. Even at the innocent age of 4, Addilyn seems to have such an understanding of where Jared is and that even though he's not physically here to celebrate with us, we continue to celebrate him. The day after the golf outing, we gathered as a family at mom and dad's and had a cookout. There was leftover ice cream cake from Russ and Saundra's the night before (we go there and eat and party after golfing). Addi said it was a birthday cake and was adamant on singing. She made mom find a candle and light it and all by herself (I think the rest of us were holding back some tears) sang "Happy Birthday" to Jared in the sweetest voice. God love her heart, she was only 13 months old when he was taken from us too soon, but yet, she talks and acts as if she knew him for so long. I know he was definitely smiling down on her as she sang to him!


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Family Vacation Gulf Shores

We are getting back into the swing of things this week after being on vacation for a week. We spent last week in "Golf Shores" as Addi called. She also thought we had to golf while there! lol. We took Aunt Ericka with us for some help and so Josh and I could have a little time to ourselves also. I think if Aunt Ericka never has to watch the Disney Channel ever again it'll still be too soon!

I think the highlight of Addi's trip was pushing the elevator button every time we went to the beach and the pool from our 8th floor condo. And the fact that she could go out in the pool a little farther than she's used to without floaties! Oh, the little things that amuse kids!

Both of our kids are major water babies and they couldn't get enough of the ocean or pool.

We ate at a lot of good restaraunts and the deal of the week with Addi was "you always try something new". This ranged from simple things to seafood. Addi would never touch a cracker. Whether it was a saltine or a ritz, she wouldn't ever touch one. Our first night eating, Addi decided to try a cracker. And guess what?! She actually liked it, and every place we ate at from there on out we had to get crackers. She also tried clam strips, fried shrimp, mozzerella sticks, popcorn shrimp and fried pickles. She liked the clam strips okay, the fried shrimp was a so-so, LOVED the popcorn shrimp, and hated the fried pickles. I think Reid's favorite place we went to was on our last afternoon we went to Hooters. He kept smiling (more than usual) and kept dropping his toys too! haha

We also took some pictures on the beach before going out to eat one night. I thought they turned out pretty good and wanted to share with you...

And then the night that Josh and I went out for a night for ourselves we took more pictures on our balcony with the ocean in the background...

We enjoyed a night of putt putt where Ericka kicked our butts, taking walks on the beach at night looking for crabs and we ran into a guy fishing for sharks that Addi thought was pretty cool and our endless walks in the morning looking for seashells. We had a good time at a neat place called The Hangout and Addi kept asking to go back to to listen to different bands. And of course we had to hit up the outlet malls!

We had great weather the whole trip without any rain! There was a lot of ocean life I guess you'd call it. Saw more jellyfish than we cared to, lots and lots of crabs, an occasional sting ray and our fair share of fish-and some of the fish were pretty big for being so close to the shore.

It was a relaxing week, we enjoyed having Josh around all week, all day long, all to ourselves! I know Reid won't remember any of his first vacation, but we have plenty of pictures to show him. And I hope Addi remembers it and all the fun and laughs we had. And a big thank you to Aunt Ericka for tagging along! Here's a very cute picture of her with Addi and Reid...

We all had a great time and Josh and I came home with many memories that we made with Addilyn and Reid that I know we will remember for years to come...