Thursday, April 7, 2011

Uncle Tom

So I've sat here for quite a while trying to come up with a story to lead into what I want to write today. But no matter how long I sit here I can't come up with anything good enough. So instead I'll just tell my memories and be done with it. Can't think of an introduction good enough, so here goes... Whether he was actually your uncle, a family friend, a friend's uncle or you married into this big family, he had only one name and he was affectionatley known as "Uncle Tom". His back door was always open and entry hardly required a knock. Just a friendly smile, wave or hello and you were granted access into the most "homey, everyone is welcome" homes in Rineyville. Whether is was Sunday breakfast, burgoo making in October, tobacoo time or Thanksgiving; everyone was welcome. Thanksgiving is a holiday to live for around here. The question was never, "Are you gonna be at Uncle Tom's" it was "What time ya gettin there?" Thanksgiving Day is a day of just that-giving thanks. And a family of our size, well, you always have something to be thankful for. The basement on Thanksgiving was a divided section of card playing and child care. From poker to rook to Texas Hold 'Em, you could always find a game to pull up a seat to and lose your money. Coolers don't have names on them, you just drank from the closest one to ya or whatever was handed to ya. And conversation was always flowing. The TV side was kid central and somehow also nap taking. The kids would take to playing and you wouldn't have to worry about them. Everyone looked after everyone and if your kid did something they shouldn't, you knew someone would get after them. And you could always a find a game on the TV too. From golf to football to our beloved CATS, you could always catch a game any day. And I'm not just talking about Thanksgiving Day. That's just the day you were guaranteed to see everyone. Anytime anything was going on, you could bet it was going on at Uncle Tom's. Because of the man who sat upstairs in "his chair" with a beer in one hand, a spit cup close by and a smile or a nod to all who stopped long enough to talk. A man who let a wonderful tradition take shape year after year with his only comment being "as long as ya'll keep coming, we'll keep squeezing 'em in here". So thank you Uncle Tom for all the smiles, laughs and lifetime of memories. Thank you for the door that was always open and the greatest family traditon and wonderful family that I am proud to say I am a part of~ We laid Uncle Tom to rest last week. I hope he is enjoying reconnecting with all our loved ones who have gone before us. I'm sure it's quite a reunion! I hope our big ol' family will continue to carry on the Thanksgiving tradition and that we all still get together. I don't think he'd want it any other way...because family is what he was all about...