Monday, November 7, 2011

FALLing in love with family time!

I'm a little behind, but it's finally my favorite time of the year-FALL!  I love the changing of the leaves, pumpkins, extra hour of sleep (kids willing!), birthdays, long sleeves and hoodies and of course it leads up to my favorite holiday-Thanksgiving.

 My birthday was back in October and when Josh asked me what I wanted to do, I told him I wanted to take the kids to a pumpkin patch.  So, that's what we did.

Family picture at Hinton's

Addi saying HI

Addi and Daddy went through the corn maze.  Reid found himself
a tractor and kept himself busy.

Looking for the perfect pumpkin!

Reid could've cared less for the pumpkins.  He just wanted to get
down and get dirty!

Nope, I think these pumpkins are too big!

I think they found the perfect ones!

Reid seems happy and intrigued with his choice!

Addi on the hayride on the way back.  She had so much fun.

Reid and Addi playing in the tunnels.  He thought he was
so big keeping up with his big sister.  He looks so big
in this picture!

Isn't he too cute?!

I LOVE this picture.  I think it captures both of their personalities
so well.  You've got Addi who wants to be right in the middle of things
and is such a diva.  Then you've got Reid who is just so laid back, takes everything
easy.  I love my kiddos!

A few weeks after this trip, Ben and Kelli invited us over for pumpkin carving.  We ate chili, the kids carved pumpkins and bobbed for apples and just had a great time playing.  Thanks for inviting us!

Addilyn, Claire, Chase, Carson, Caroline and Annie's pumpkins. 
They look so good!

Reid and Addi saying Happy Halloween!

My cowboy and cowgirl! 
Aren't they cute?!  I kow I know, I'm biased, but I can't help it.
Addi wanted to be Taylor Swift and we decided Reid was Lane Frost because of
his two handed wave! 

They had a blast trick or treating and we've got more candy than we know what to do with. Addi has already planned out the next 3 years worth of costumes! 

Now it's time to enjoy some more family time and soon it'll be Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping!  I can't wait!!