Monday, March 5, 2012

My lenten sacrafice SUCKS!

So for Lent I gave up my Diet Mt. Dews, or rather sodas in general.  I knew it would be hard (don't judge me on this.). Having a diet dew first thing in the morning is my coffee.  Simply put, I gotta have it.  But I decided to make it my lenten sacrafice.  And as petty as it sounds it has definitley been a sacrafice.  It's only been 12 days since I've had one, (I had an ice cold one about 10:00 the Tuesday night before Ash Wednesday) but man oh man are the next 34 days gonna be killer.
      And killer is exactly what my headaches have been.  I used to never get headaches, or at least rarely.  I've pretty much had a constant one for 11 days now.  I now know what a crack addict feels like going through withdrawls--seriously.  I find myself telling myself "just one can will make this headache go away".  Really Emily, it's coming to that?  You CAN and WILL do this I tell myself over and over and over.  I just don't really believe that little voice yet.  And I can only drink so much water until I feel as if I'm gonna just float away. 
     I put a post out on facebook about the headaches and how agonizing they are and I had a friend make a good point.  "If something can give you headaches that bad then you know it's gotta be pretty bad for your body" .  Thanks dear friend, I hadn't looked at that way, didn't and don't want to and now that makes me feel worse for wanting a diet dew so bad! lol  I was told to drink lots of water, please see above comment about floating away.  And another one told me the headaches could last a couple of months.  No thanks, because if that's the case I will be asking the Easter Bunny for a big fat PolarPop of diet dew on Easter morning!  Another comment said that after this "giving up and doing without" I probably won't want to touch another soda in my life.  Yeah right!  I so don't see that happening! 
     When I mentioned that to Josh his response was "if you can make it the 40 days why would you start drinking them again"  Geez I don't know Josh, maybe because as I sit here and type this I can feel the cold of the can in my hand and the pure bliss of it's taste as I think about drinking one?  Why don't you hop on my lenten bandwagon and join me?!  Then we can both have horrendous headaches and bite one another's heads off?  (of course I say all this in pure love:) ) 
     And my poor kids.  Talk about biting heads off.  Every day I lose my patience a little more and more.  (It's really not that bad, I just feel like it sometimes).  And all over a silly one (or 5) 12 oz can of Diet Dew. 
     So I ask you people who proudly boast "I haven't had a soda in over a year" "It gets better I promise" "you can do it".  Is it really gonna be that easy because I like to think I'm not a quitter but I'm thinking this stuff is for the birds!
     But I'm just gonna keep telling myself, I CAN and WILL do this!

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