Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Things are a little different! Maybe!

So I LOVE blogging.  Actually, I think it's just the writing part, but nonetheless, I enjoy it.  And unfortunately I slack quite a bit on our family blog.  I feel like I bore people with my endless pictures of my kids doing everyday things.  Don't get me wrong, I think those things are adorable, but I'm sure it can tire many out quickly.  So I'm changing things up a bit. 
     To say I avoided Pinterest in the beginning would be an understatement.  I wouldn't click on any link on Facebook that had to do with Pinterest.  People would talk about it and I'd avoid it like the plague.  Why you ask?  Because I was honestly afraid I'd get hooked.  And you know what?  I did!  A friend pretty much made me sign up for it and the rest is history!  I'm addicted.  And I really only try to "pin" things that I'll try.  Not just "oh that looks cute" or "surely I can make that--in the next 10 years!"  So I've tried several recipes, lots of crafts, little things here and there.  Some have become favorites and some have been epic fails. 
     So because of these "hits and misses" I came up with this idea.  After every pin I try, whether good or bad I'll blog about it.  My thoughts, how it turned out, or didn't turn out, easy/hard, pictures to show if mine turned out even close to what the actual pin looked like and to put my own spin on things, a kid rating and husband rating.  Did my kids enjoy the food, did Josh say "ummm, it's ok (which is polite for "don't ever make this again"), was the craft kid friendly, those sort of things.  I'll have the links to the original post (or as good as I can get it).
     So what do you think?  Should I go for it?  Would you read?  And don't just be nice, be honest.  Tell me what ya think!  And the name of the blog will change, but not just yet....

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