Friday, July 27, 2012

Woohoo! It's FRIDAY!

In a weird way this week flew by but yet creeped by at the same time.  Does that make any sense?  It seems like Monday thru Thursday just went by kinda fast but yet last weekend seems like eons ago.  But anyway, it's FRIDAY (insert fist pump)!

1.  Tonight starts the Olympics and my household (well Addilyn and I) are too excited.  We've been on the countdown for weeks, have it marked on the calendar, the DVR is already set (it's going to go waaayyy past her bedtime) and little does she know but later on we will be making our first Olympic inspired craft.  Stay tuned for that fun post!
2.  We just finished a fun week at VBS at church.  I somehow managed to sweet talk, bribe, harass (call it what you want) my awesome hubby into playing the lead role of Daniel.  And might I say he did a fine, fine job.  And somehow I got the part of playing a king (we switched a few things up in the bible this week by making said king into a queen!) and we had a really good time with it.  It was a lot of fun to see what answers the preschoolers would give us and to see who was really paying attention.  It was nice to know that we acted the story out well enough for everyone to understand.  And it's always fun getting to teach young ones about the bible and how our God is always watching over us!

3.  We got a good ol hard rain and nice show of lightning last night.  But our grass was soooo dry it soaked it up and is still lacking that bright color of green!  But I did enjoy the sound of the rain last night and the sky being lit up like the 4th of July!
it looks like our poor yard is nothing but dirt. 
it's not.  it's just brown, crunchy grass

4.  Addilyn is having a sleepover tonight with her best bud Briley!  They are both very excited and we'll see what the night has in store for us! I'm sure there will be lots of laughs and giggles and a lot of memories made!

5.  I found this quote on (where else?!) Pinterest and it really hit the nail on the head for me!
being a stay at home mommy to my 2 special kiddos
is a lot of fun (most days) but also challenging. 
I feel like I need to hang this somewhere where I
will see it everday! And multiple times a day!

Happy Friday y'all!  Have a great and blessed weekend!
From My Grey Desk

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