Sunday, May 5, 2013

A day in the life of Reid...

Reid is Reid.  I don't know how else to explain it.  One minute I want to ring his neck and the next minute he's making me laugh and love every minute of staying home with him.  He is constantly keeping me on my toes, making me shake my head and rolling my eyes and giving me a good belly laugh at least once a day.  I feel like I can half way say he's potty trained.  He wears his "choo choo unaware" as he calls them, while we are at home and when we leave the house.  We have very few accidents (as I knock on wood) and has learned to give us just a minute or two heads up when he has to go.  Night time we still use a pull up but I think we are pretty close to being fully potty trained.  (I really hope I'm not backtracking this post next week and buying stock in pull ups again)
Because Reid thinks he's hot stuff and loves his choo choo's he is hardly ever in clothes. He loves his hats, his shoes and his undies!  Here is a glimpse into our every day lives.  I never know when I turn a corner what he will be doing or wearing or both...

Reid decided to bring his trucks and dig in the
dirt while hanging out at Addi's ball practice.
The boy loves his boots and sunglasses!

Let the temperature rise and tease us with the taste
of summer days and Reid is ready to strip down and
haul some rocks.

Who says you can't watch morning cartoons in your jammies
and fireman rain boots?

Scuba Steve or Scuba Reid?!  This picture captures
Reid's personality so well.  He just loves to be
goofy and see if he can make you smile.

Can he fill Daddy's boots?  He thought he was
super cool to be "daddy".  I told you he loves
his undies and shoes!

I said when I took this picture that I would not post it.
However, it's too funny not to.  He decided to put his sister's
undies on his head as a hat.  Yes, this picture will come out
when he starts dating!

And this one is my favorite!!  I am seriously thinking of
framing this one!  It doesn't get much better than a little
boy and his cowboy boots (notice on the wrong feet!),
his cowboy hat and his choo choo underwear!
And who doesn't love that grin?!

So on days like today where he's driven me absolutely batty and I'm counting down the minutes to bedtime, I just look at all these pictures from the last couple of weeks and I can't help but smile, laugh and thank God for choosing me to be this goofy and fun little boy's momma!  

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