So this was Addi's second year playing softball and she loved it! And who wouldn't with a team name like the "Heartbreakers"? They were a group of 12 talented, cheering, loud and fun girls who kept smiling, cheering and laughing through every practice, scrimmage, game and picture taking. They went into the season as a good team and ended their season last night as an awesome team with 3 trophies! They got second place in the Opening Season Tournament, took first place in regular season play and after 3 grueling games they ended with second place in the End of Season Tournament. Addi asked first thing this morning if she had a game tonight (don't think it's quite sunk in yet) and she admitted she's going to miss softball till next year.
With this being her second year playing she has been fortunate to have had the same 3 coaches both years. Timmy, Ben and Brian (along with other dads including her own stepping in when needed) taught these girls so much. From basic fundamentals, to always knowing how many outs there were to having great sportsmanship, these coaches rarely lost their patience. They worked hard with each girl and always took their time teaching and coaching them. I couldn't have imagined playing for another team. And I'm thankful to them for instilling the love of the game into Addi. We are truly going to miss these coaches when they step up a league next year.
From some games being what you could call a blow out to several intense ones the girls always kept their heads up and a smile on their face. Our last 4 games or so were really good ones, ones where they kept us parents on the edge of our chairs (sometimes standing on picnic tables!), throwing ball caps in the dirt due to excitement or frustration, groaning over a play and getting so involved we had to remind ourselves that they were 6 and under and clapping and cheering and screaming till I'm sure most of Cecilia heard us. I'm really going to miss our ballpark days till next year.
The girls on the team have become more than just a teammate to Addi; they've become her friends and whether they'll be friends all year long and she goes to school with them or just the friends she sees on the ballpark I'm thankful she's had such a great time!
Reid also had a great time at the ballpark this year. His was more of a fun that came from digging in the dirt with his trucks and pawpaw loaders than watching his big sis play. He would however, occasionally glance up and yell "Go Addi Go" from time to time. But mainly he was content with a hotdog, some dirt and playing with other little boys.
It was fun to watch Addi grow as an athlete too. From last year, where she played in the dirt more than anything, was learning to make contact with the ball and figuring out how to step and throw the ball at the same time and being more concerned about her hair ribbon matching her uniform. This year, she made contact with the ball and got base hits more times than not, learned where to throw the ball to make a play, and learned how to be a good sport and enjoy playing. Of course, her hair ribbons and head bands still have to match her uniform, but what's wrong with that?!
So for now we've put up her uniform, hung up her ball bag (but we'll still get it out to practice) and set trophies on the shelf. And another year of softball season is wrapped up!
Look at that stance! |
Swing batter!
Little outfielder! |
My little Heartbreaker! |
She sure loved playing ball! |
Playing catcher |
Reid being Reid |
playing in the dirt |
his favorite part about going to the ballpark |
Trophy number 1! |
Trophy number 2! |
Trophy number 3! |
Heartbreakers 2013
(missing 1 player from pic) |
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