Wednesday, September 11, 2013

We will never forget!

It's a common post on Facebook today.  "Where were you?"  Meaning, where were you 12 years ago today?  For me, that's very easy to answer.  I was in room 511 of McCormack Hall at Western Kentucky University.  I used to never get ready for classes with the TV on, but for some reason that morning I turned it on.  The "Today Show" was on and I remember the vivid scene of the tower being nothing but smoke and fire and diminishing before our eyes.  I honestly thought they were showing a clip of a movie (a very sick movie I thought) until my eyes came to the four letters at the top of screen, "LIVE".  And my heart sunk.  I went on to my Tuesday morning class, but we were given the option of watching the news unfold if we wished.  So I, along with many classmates, friends and strangers watched as history was made and our world was forever changed.

Yesterday I was able to go downtown Elizabethtown and watch as Foam 161 made it's way from Ft Knox to Elizabethtown and back before it's final resting place at the Patton Museum.  So I gathered my kids and niece and grabbed an American flag and we stood on the sidewalks as the truck made it's way along the procession.  I knew there was no way of explaining it to Audrey and Reid and I found it hard to describe to Addilyn, a six year old.  My explanation was simple, "some really bad people flew a plane into some buildings and a bunch of people were hurt and killed that day.  Your mommy remembers it very well and we're gonna be able to see a firetruck that was there that day.  And your mommy really wants to see it".  
So the kids and I lined the sidewalks with so many others and they held their flag proudly and waved to those who waved at them.

Watching them take it in, even without knowing the significance and remembering all those who lost their lives that day and the days following I felt pride.  For the friends and classmates that lost their lives fighting for our freedom; and those still fighting, my heart was full of pride and my eyes misted with tears but I held my head a little higher, because we live in the land of the free because of the brave and I AM PROUD!!

After leaving the sidewalks and treating the kids to slushies, my mind was tell on what we just left and my thoughts traveled back to 12 years ago.  And I asked myself, "if someone were to ask me why I took a 2, 3 and 6 year old the procession of that truck, what would my answer be?  And it's simple, RESPECT.  I want my kids to grow up knowing the significance of this day and events.  I want them to understand why America is the greatest country to live in, and I want them to respect those in the armed forces and the first responders.  I want them to believe in our country and what it stands for and to know that the red, white and blue are colors that don't run and that they too should be proud of the USA.

God Bless our troops that are still defending our freedom and those who fought giving the ultimate sacrifice.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Getting back in a routine

This is the first full week of school.  While Addi is trying to get back into a routine of "mom, it's still daylight outside" when she goes to bed and "mom, it's still dark outside" when she wakes up, I too am trying to get back into a routine.  Last school year I was decent about keeping a schedule of going to the gym. My neighbor friend and I would somehow be at the gym at 4:30AM! on average of 3 days a week.  Yes, 4:30. Once summer started that was a little more difficult.  And going after Josh got home from work was difficult.  I didn't want to meet him at the door at 5:30, throw the kids in his face and say "see ya!"  Wait, yes, yes I did.  But I didn't think that would be much appreciated on his end so I didn't.  And who wants to go right after supper?  Nope, not me.  And then after the kids went to bed I was either so tired myself or just wanted to spend some time with my husband.  Excuses you say?  You're right, they were.  But I enjoyed my family time and my body suffered for it.  Because was I not only decent about going to the gym I also stayed on a food plan.  Was it hard?  At first.  But I got used to it and I started to see some changes.  The best changes were when people were telling me I looked like I was losing weight.  Woohoo!! It was actually paying off.  And of course Josh told me I looked great.  I secretly think that there is some subliminal message in our vows that we took that Josh knows it's in his best interest to tell me I'm beautiful and look great.  Blah Blah.  I really do appreciate it, but sometimes just need the cold, hard truth!

So today I am fed up with feeling like a blah, no energy, no fun momma and wife.  I jumped back on the food plan this morning and my wonderful sister just got here to stay with my kiddos while I go to the gym.  Planet Fitness please don't fall down when I walk in.  I know it's been a while.  

I have a fellow blogger that I follow religiously.  Go check her out at  She has a whole variety of topics.  And she too has gone through the mommy blues.  I probably won't be as open as she has been able to be because I just don't know if I can post my scale pictures showing my weight and before and after pics of myself.  Ahhhh to be that comfortable, I wish.  But because I'm putting out here that I'm working on getting back in shape and losing the weight I hope it will help me and give me that extra push.  

So I'm gonna chug my tumbler full of water and hit the gym.  Here is to hoping that I will survive and go back tomorrow!
Not any longer!  

I vow not to let this happen.  I will be full, I will
eat and I will fit!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

No more "Hurry Up"

Yesterday Addilyn started first grade.  And I didn't cry.  Today is the second day of school and I didn't cry.  Until now.  I kept seeing this post passed around Facebook the last few days.  And in between cleaning the bathrooms and taking out the trash I stopped to read it.  I don't know what finally made me read it, but I'm glad I did.  It's all about racing through life and everyday living and not taking "it" in.  Whatever "it" may be at that exact moment.  Read it here.  Go on, read it.  This made me cry.  Because this is so ME.  With both of my kids but, especially Addilyn. I seem to procrastinate on a lot of things but time is definitely one of them. Whether it is getting out the door to the doctors office, walking into the grocery store or making cookies, I always wait till the last minute, wait until I don't have a second to spare and need every minute it is going to take me to get done what I need to get done and not be even later and be able to enjoy a few distractions.
I can almost break this article down paragraph by paragraph and work it into my daily life.  I'm always rushing out the door and hollering at Addi to "hurry up" "what's taking you so long?" or "we're gonna be late" and she is always telling me she can't find the right necklace to go with her outfit or can't find her purse.  And to that I think, "you are 6 years old, why in the world do you need a necklace or a purse?"  Because she is 6, that's why.  Because she is developing her sense of style and individuality.  Because she loves to be a fashionista and look "pretty".  And I'm rushing her.  Or on the days she does make it to the van before I do, only for me to get in and she's in the back and not buckled up.  Wildly I scream, "WHY are you not buckled up?  WHY can you get out here before I do and still not be ready?" To which she cries (literally because while I wasn't paying attention I've hurt her feelings) "I have to buckle up Hannah Dale" (her Bitty Baby).  And then I think to myself "why does she need to buckle up a silly baby doll?"  Because she is 6 and because she is this baby doll's momma and if I buckle up my kids, why shouldn't she buckle up hers?  There's been many times we've been running errands and she'll ask if we can stop at Happy Hour at Sonic for a slushy.  And I immediately say no because, you guessed it, we don't have time.  What would it hurt to stop for a few extra minutes and enjoy a slushy or special treat with my special kiddos?  It wouldn't.  Plain and simple.  
By the end of this article I couldn't see behind the tears.  I'm that mom walking into WalMart or Target 5 steps in front of one kid while seemingly dragging the arms off of my other kid telling them to "hurry up".  (this probably paints a horrible picture in your head of me literally dragging my kids through a parking lot but I'm sure you get my picture).  I need to slow down.  Plain and simple.  I need to walk the pace of my 6 and 2 year old and who knows what I'll see.  I'll see the pretty butterflies that are magically floating around that my daughter loves to watch.  Maybe I'll see the tractors passing by that my son loves to watch and fantasise about riding on.  Because no matter what I see, my kids will see their momma stopping to take her time to walk hand in hand slowly with them and others might see a mom enjoying her time with her precious gifts.
And the next time I bake cookies, I will let Addi break the eggs.  Who cares if the shells crack in the dough?  I'll throw it out.  And she can try again.  Because if I don't let her try, how will I know she can do it and more importantly how will she know she can do it?  And if Reid is not falling asleep fast enough at night, I'm not going to tell him to "hurry and go to sleep, you've got 5 minutes or I'm leaving this room".  No, I'll just rock and hold him a little longer and cherish that extra time. And why do I wait till my kids fall asleep to stare at them and be amazed at what cute, smart, funny and wonderful kids God gave me?  Why don't I do that during the day when they are awake and can hear me and know that is what I think?  They deserve to know that I think they are wonderful and that I love them and that I'm so happy I get to be their mommy.
Although the article made me cry, made me feel awful (I know that's not what the author intended) it did make me take a step back and realize that I need to take my time, prioritize a little differently and I'm gonna try really hard to give myself more time, more time to enjoy my kids during the most mundane of things.  So, I'm signing off here to make it to school early, to be one of the first parent's in line to pick up their kid instead of the end of the line and I'm gonna walk at her pace through the parking lot as she talks about her day.  And I will tell both of my kids regularly, while they are awake, how they make me proud and how much they mean to me.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Audrey Turns 3!!

Three years ago today I became an aunt for the second time.  Three years ago today my heart grew a little bigger.  Three years ago today this little chunky, big haired, bright eyed baby was born and I became Aunt "Emmy", a name I used to cringe at but now smile every time I hear it.  Today Audrey turns 3!  I came across this little poem last week that I think fits Audrey to a "T" and it goes like this,
"One plus two, how old am I?
I can count, I can argue, I can ask why.
I'll rock this world, you will see.
You got that right, I'm turning THREE!"

This little girl who can talk and carry on a conversation with any adult, loves bows, Minnie Mouse, zebra print, doing 'nastics, won't go anywhere without her night night or Heidi her baby, and can sing any country song once she's heard it, has stolen my heart a little more every time she says my name or cheeses that big grin of hers.  She is smart, witty, absolutely adorable, sensitive and very caring.  She has grown so much so fast in not just the last 3 years but in just the past couple of months.  Her mommy and daddy better watch out, because before they know it she will be going to school and capturing hearts everywhere.  So watch out world, Audrey is 3 and she's ready to own it!

I love you very much sweet girl and can't wait to see what this big, beautiful world has in store for you.  You are determined, smart and I know you will grow so much in this next year. I love your spunkiness, your sassy attitude, your new found love for gymnastics, your wonderful bear hugs, the way you sing and dance and your sense of style that you are starting to make your own. I hope this year is your best year yet!
 Happy 3rd Birthday Princess!
Love you!
Aunt Emmy

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

First Grade!

Okay, I know it's been a while since I last blogged but summer has been jam packed with gymnastics, a little pool time, gymnastics, lots of family time, cookouts and gymnastics.  Did I mention we've been busy with gymnastics?!  Addi loves it and wouldn't have it any other way, so that is what we have been doing.  These are the excuses, er, I mean the reasons I have failed at blogging lately.  But I'm back...for now.

Anyway, summer vacation is officially over.  School starts back tomorrow and I'm happy to report that my emotions and mind set are much better than last year.  Need a refresher?  Read Kindergarten here.  I have not drank an entire bottle of wine, I have not cried (yet!) and I'm not on the verge of a panic attack.  But because time is moving at a rapid speed and my little girl is quickly growing up, I am trying to hold on to all the milestones.  So here is my letter to my first grader....

My Sweet Addilyn,
     I don't know where to begin.  Seriously.  You are laying in your bed now, although I'm sure your nerves and excitement haven't let you drift off to sleep yet. I'm sure you are lying flat on your back, staring at the ceiling clutching your beloved giraffes and snuggled under your blanket.  As it hits me that you are entering first grade I hope you don't become too big or too cool to sleep with your comfort and security belongings.  When this day happens at our house I will have a meltdown.  You will officially be big and not a little girl anymore.  And yet you are already a big girl.  A big, independent girl.  A girl that I will drop off at first grade tomorrow.  A big girl who has already told me you aren't taking pictures tomorrow, (by the way, oh yes you are!!)  A big girl who knocks heads with me over the littlest thing and demands that your ways are right, but yet snuggles with her daddy every night and thinks he's the greatest and smartest man in the world.  Let me let you in on a little secret.  He is.  Every girl deserves a daddy that they can look up to, love unconditionally and know that with every fiber of their being  that they will always hold your best interest in mind and heart.  I grew up with this kind of daddy and I am so happy and thankful that you are too.  
When I leave you at the door of your classroom tomorrow, I again, just like last year am leaving a piece of my heart there.  I hope that your teachers know or get to know what a special girl you are.  One who is smart, funny, determined, well mannered and kind.  Because I know that is what you are. And it means that I as a mommy have been doing something right. I was amazed at what you learned in Kindergarten last year and can only imagine what you will come home and tell me about daily.  I can't wait to watch your mind and interests grow.  I hope you will continue to make life long friends. I hope you will make your teachers proud. I hope you will continue to love school.  
Reid is going to miss you terribly.  He loves spending his days with you and playing and watching television.  He tries his hardest to keep up with you riding bikes and likes to eat whatever you are eating for lunch.  These first couple of weeks are going to be hard for him.  And they are going to be hard for me too.  You are my side-kick, my light and my pride.  
Your brand new, flashy, made you giddy from the moment you saw it backpack is packed and ready.  You've told me what you want packed in your matching lunchbox and your outfit is picked out and neatly laying at the end of your bed.  Tomorrow begins a new milestone and I can't wait to see what first grade has in store for the both of us!
So show up to first grade tomorrow with a smile on your face, determination in your mind and you'll do great!  They're gonna love ya baby girl!  Have fun!

I love you more and am proud of you!


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Heartbreaker Softball 2013

So this was Addi's second year playing softball and she loved it!  And who wouldn't with a team name like the "Heartbreakers"?  They were a group of 12 talented, cheering, loud and fun girls who kept smiling, cheering and laughing through every practice, scrimmage, game and picture taking.  They went into the season as a good team and ended their season last night as an awesome team with 3 trophies!  They got second place in the Opening Season Tournament, took first place in regular season play and after 3 grueling games they ended with second place in the End of Season Tournament.  Addi asked first thing this morning if she had a game tonight (don't think it's quite sunk in yet) and she admitted she's going to miss softball till next year.

With this being her second year playing she has been fortunate to have had the same 3 coaches both years.  Timmy, Ben and Brian (along with other dads including her own stepping in when needed) taught these girls so much.  From basic fundamentals, to always knowing how many outs there were to having great sportsmanship, these coaches rarely lost their patience.  They worked hard with each girl and always took their time teaching and coaching them.  I couldn't have imagined playing for another team.  And I'm thankful to them for instilling the love of the game into Addi.  We are truly going to miss these coaches when they step up a league next year. 

From some games being what you could call a blow out to several intense ones the girls always kept their heads up and a smile on their face. Our last 4 games or so were really good ones, ones where they kept us parents on the edge of our chairs (sometimes standing on picnic tables!), throwing ball caps in the dirt due to excitement or frustration, groaning over a play and getting so involved we had to remind ourselves that they were 6 and under and clapping and cheering and screaming till I'm sure most of Cecilia heard us.  I'm really going to miss our ballpark days till next year.

The girls on the team have become more than just a teammate to Addi; they've become her friends and whether they'll be friends all year long and she goes to school with them or just the friends she sees on the ballpark I'm thankful she's had such a great time!

Reid also had a great time at the ballpark this year.  His was more of a fun that came from digging in the dirt with his trucks and pawpaw loaders than watching his big sis play.  He would however, occasionally glance up and yell "Go Addi Go" from time to time.  But mainly he was content with a hotdog, some dirt and playing with other little boys. 

It was fun to watch Addi grow as an athlete too.  From last year, where she played in the dirt more than anything, was learning to make contact with the ball and figuring out how to step and throw the ball at the same time and being more concerned about her hair ribbon matching her uniform.  This year, she made contact with the ball and got base hits more times than not, learned where to throw the ball to make a play, and learned how to be a good sport and enjoy playing.  Of course, her hair ribbons and head bands still have to match her uniform, but what's wrong with that?!

So for now we've put up her uniform, hung up her ball bag (but we'll still get it out to practice) and set trophies on the shelf.  And another year of softball season is wrapped up!

Look at that stance!

Swing batter!


Little outfielder!

My little Heartbreaker!

She sure loved playing ball!

Playing catcher
Reid being Reid

playing in the dirt

his favorite part about going to the ballpark

Trophy number 1!
Trophy number 2!

Trophy number 3!
Heartbreakers 2013
(missing 1 player from pic)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Kindergarten Graduation

I really don't know where to begin.  My heart and head have so many emotions right now.  Excitement, a little sadness, disbelief but most of all, PRIDE!  Addilyn had her Kindergarten Graduation this morning.  She has been looking forward to this day for over a week now.  And then, BAM! it got here, it's over and I can't believe next week she will be finishing up her first year of school and ending a milestone. 
It really feels like just a few weeks ago I was sitting in the same spot I am right now typing up my feelings about her starting Kindergarten.  You can reread or read for the first time that post kindergarten letter and this one 1st day of kindergarten.  Looking back at those posts I am amazed at how much Addi has grown (not as much physically), matured and learned so much.  She has made countless friends that I hear about daily, has learned to count well above 100, has mastered her sight words (good grief I WILL NOT miss that little baggie), can read above her grade level and has amazed me with her math skills.  I am in awe at what she has learned and accomplished since August. 
This morning while helping her get dressed she asked me how many days of school are left.  I told her 5 after today.  She stuck that cute little bottom lip out, scrunched up her forehead and folded her arms.  "But mom, I really like kindergarten. I don't want to be done.  Can Ms. Crim be my teacher next year and the next year...?" I love the fact that she loves so school so much considering the first two or three days she didn't want to go back.  And it warms my heart that she loves her teacher so much.  Because she really has had a wonderful teacher to start her school years off to a great start.  I think, well actually after today, I know Ms. Crim (and Ms. Thompson) love those kids a lot.  You can see it when they smile at the kids, give high fives, hugs and encouraging words.  I'm so happy Addi ended up in this kindergarten class.
Here are a few of the pictures taken this morning. 

walking in to the gym
I think this is where I got a little teary eyed

in line to receive her diploma

so proud

"I did it"
Addi is very blessed to have grandparents who could take time out of their day to come watch her graduate and celebrate!
Addilyn with PawPaw and Nonnie

Addilyn with Poppy and NaiNai
Aunt Ericka got off work at 7 this morning, came to the house and Addi was excited to ride to school with her (I guess cool aunts outrank mommy) and then watched her graduate.
Addi and her godmother

Kindergarten Graduate!
Throughout kindergarten Addi has made two of her very best friends.  I'm afraid if I blink too quick we will be taking their high school graduation pictures!

Tyson, Addilyn and Kali
Best Buds!!

Addilyn and Ms. Crim.  Addi loves her and so do I.  She has taught Addi so much and I am so glad she was Addi's teacher!  Thank you!!!
Addilyn and Ms. Crim

So next week as we close the chapter of Kindergarten in Addi's book of life I can't help but look back at it with a smile on my face and a tear in my eye.  She's growing too fast.  But she's growing into a wonderful, talented, smart and goal achieving little lady.  Mommy and Daddy are so very proud of you Addilyn Dale!